Aquest estiu passat vaig passar una setmana en Castiglione del Lago, vaig anar a casa dels Llogaters més amables i encantadors que us podeu trobar!!! Et porten a fer turisme, t’aconsellen de quins pobles visitar, llocs on menjar, etc Ah i si ets una dona, o home amb projectes de patchwork, costura, Bronwen et guiarà i t’aconsellarà fent que els teus projectes quedin espectaculars!!! 100% recomanat vacances a Textileholidays🥰
Antonia and her friend came to Italy from Spain on a sewing holiday in August this year. Antonia made a gorgeous kaftan-style summer top/dress, and here is her review. It’s in Catalan – at times that week, 4 languages were spoken in the studio! – but with the help of good old Google Translate, you can read that she thoroughly enjoyed her holiday with us.