This beautiful short poem – the above photo – is one of two poems sent to me from one of my sewing holiday guests, Maggie Patching. She wrote them both after her sewing holiday here in May this year. The other one appears below, in a link, and it completely conveys that holiday and this place, my home. She is so talented!
Another day in paradise 21 – May 22
The titles mention “Paradise”, because although our official address is “Localita Ballotti 21”, that address confuses delivery drivers because Ballotti is closer to the next village. According to local maps, we actually live in an area called “Paradiso”!
I first read one of Maggie’s poems after her sewing holiday in France in 2019, and I was stunned when I read it, at how well she managed to capture so many things about our home in France, and that holiday, and now we no longer live there, it’s even more precious to me. It’s here if you haven’t seen it on one of my previous posts:
Maggie’s poem “Le Jardín du Berger”